Spiritual Songs Album by Nate Wilson


TRACK LIST for the digitally re-mastered album published in 2017.


1. Praises In Your Sight

2. Higher, Higher

3. Deep

4. Let The Peace Of Christ

5. Fill Me Up (acoustic version)

6. For The Longest

7. I Have Jesus

8. Trust In The Lord

9. Jesus, How I Love You

10. For I Have Died

11. You're My Lord

12. I Love You

13. Same Sweet Song

14. You Are My God

15. Jesus, I Long To See You

16. Je Pense (Instrumental)




Originally published in 1994 as a 90-minute cassette tape entitled Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, this is a collection of recordings I made in my late teens and early twenties of traditional spirituals as well as other spiritual songs that I had composed. Unless otherwise noted, I composed, sang, played, and recorded everything. The cover art is a Cross-stitch by Bonnie Moser that graced the cover of the first printed New City Fellowship songbook when I attended that church in Chattanooga, TN as a college student. Since I did not have access to even semi-professional recording equipment back in those days, the recording quality of the music on this album is poor. I apologize for that; but hope you can enjoy it anyway. Many of the songs are linked to sample audio clips, but these samples have been made extra-low fideltiy for fast downloading. If you would like a free copy of this album as mp3’s, click here for the zip file. Also, check out over a dozen other albums at http://www.natewilsonfamily.net/#Arts


~Nate Wilson


Spiritual Songs

1. Praises In Your Sight

Composed in 1988. I think this was recorded c. 1998 with a 4-track tape recorder in the basement of a rental house in Denver, CO


I've seen the splashing streams fresh melted from the mountain snow,

The lofty peaks at dawn, dark blue with golden glow.

I love the smell of Autumn, the gossamer the spider weaves,

The splendor of the forest paths, and walked through brilliant leaves.


CHORUS:      In the bright blue sky, in the clear and twinkling nights,

Your creation is singing praises in Your sight!


Beside the mighty ocean, I've felt the touch of sea-sweet wind,

Washed in silver moonlight, and talked there with a Friend.

I've heard the pounding thunder and tasted of the light Spring rain,

And joined creation's chorus to sing the glad refrain!


And everywhere I go, I see You and I know

I know You're always there; I know Your loving care.


2. Higher, Higher

Traditional African song taught to me by a pastor from Kenya in 1988. Performed by The Experience Band at a Covenant College concert in 1991 (Joe Kickasola-Drums, Rob Thacker-guitar, Paula Wilson-vocal, Steve Humes-Bass) – captured off of a VHS video made of the concert.


Cast your burdens unto Jesus, for He cares for you

Higher, higher, higher higher higher, higher higher, lift up Jesus higher!

Lower lower, lower lower lower, lower lower, lower satan lower!


Oh my sister/brother, come to Jesus, for He cares for you!



3. Deep

Traditional Spiritual. Recorded at my apartment on Lookout Mtn. , GA in fulfillment of a request from a Kenyan pastor who asked me to develop an album of music he could teach his congregation back home. To make the recording, I used two stereo cassette recorders and ping-ponged back and forth to add each instrument. This meant that mistakes and volume mismatches could not be fixed later. I turned the final into stereo by running the monural audio through a guitar chorus pedal, then sent the original to Africa. The copy I kept somehow didn’t record the right side of the stereo signal, however, so I ran it through the chorus pedal again which resulted in the dreadful fidelity of the present recording. Paula (my wife) is on BGV’s. Thanks to Ray Dameron for loaning me his trap set.


Deep, deep! Deep; deep! Deep down in my soul.

I've got the love/joy/peace of Jesus,  and It's deep down in my soul!


4. Let The Peace Of Christ  

Text of Colossians 3: 16-17. Recorded in the living room of my apartment on Lookout Mtn., GA.


Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts. Forgiving one another let unity increase.

With the Holy One perfect love starts, For as one body, you are called to peace.


Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly; In those who love God's precepts, the Holy Spirit lives.

Teach each generation the Scriptures faithfully; Speak to one another with the wisdom Jesus gives.


Let the Joy of Christ overflow you, Sing out your songs, thankful that He came

From indebted hearts flows the deepest gratitude,  And whatever it is, do it in Jesus' Name.


5. Fill Me Up 

Recorded in the living room of my apartment on Lookout Mtn., GA. I was trying to keep time by stamping on the floor as I played, and, in doing so,  inadvertently added percussion to the recording.


I want to be changed, Lord Jesus, sanctified by Your Spirit.

Oh, I've got no righteousness, so fill me up, fill me up, Lord.

Let me be holy as You are, Lord. Take away my sin; purify my life, and I will glorify Your Name.


6. For The Longest               

Words by Paula Shetter (now Wilson) & George Brisson(?), based upon the pop song by Billy Joel. Recorded on an old Tascam 4-track tape recorder. If you want sheet music, contact us at papa @ Nate Wilson Family . net


Adam & Eve were in Paradise one day. When the serpent said,“Eat this fruit today.”

And then they ate it; I'm sure they did regret it, For they were banished for the longest time.


Pharaoh let the people go, one day. Into the wilderness 40 years they strayed.

They couldn't believe it; they were so disobedient, So they wandered for the longest time.


Then God said, “Enough is enough! A new covenant, it shall be wrought.

Through, My Son, Who comes from above, He shall secure salvation for all men.”


So the Babe was born in Bethlehem. He came to die on behalf of man.

Death could not hold him, therefore He rose again, and that hasn't happened for the longest time!


What’s the message behind this interlude? It is to show salvation is for you.

How do you get it? By faith repent and live it, and you’ll be happy for the longest time!


7. I Have Jesus

Over six years as a member of New City Fellowship Church in Chattanooga, TN (and another dozen or so years before that with the New Pace summer camp program in Alabama), I familiarized myself with the format of Gospel music and tried my hand at writing a song in that format. The recording process and location was the same as track #3 (including Paula Wilson on BGV’s) with the additional twist of simulating the sound of an organ and a leslie speaker by running a synthesizer through a guitar chorus pedal and adjusting the knobs on the pedal while playing the keyboard!


It's a long hard road that I must travel if I'm gonna reach the other side,

But I will not fear and I'll go the distance, for I have Jesus as my Guide.

I get weary under my burdens. Lord, I'm tired, and I have cried.

But I will not fear, and I'll go the distance, for I have Jesus as my Guide.


It's a stormy sea that I must sail on, if I'm gonna cross to the bright land,

But I won't sink down in the waters, 'cause I'm holding to my Master's hand

I get weary, and, Lord, I am troubled when the waters rise and I can't stand.

But I won't sink down in the waters, 'cause I'm holding to my Master's hand.


8. Trust in the Lord 

Proverbs 3: 5& 6. Recorded direct to stereo cassette tape in my dorm room as a student at Covenant College on Lookout Mountain.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart; Lean not to your understanding.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and He will direct your paths.

His paths are truth; His paths are healing. In them, you find rest for your soul.

You rest your weary soul.


Run to the Lord, for He is salvation! Run to the Lord; His refuge is sure!

Run to the Lord; His love is forever, and in Him we can rest secure.


9. Jesus, How I Love You    

Recorded direct to stereo cassette tape at my duplex apartment on Lookout Mtn., GA.


Jesus, how I love/worship/serve You  (Repeat 3 times)

And I thank You, Lord, for calling me Your own!


10. For I Have Died

Based on the text of Colossians 3: 1-3. Composed in 1990, but it took a while to get practiced enough on the guitar to perform it for a direct to stereo tape recording. That finally happened in 1993 at our rental house in Englewood, CO, as part of the process of compiling the first cassette edition of this album.


Through all the changes and flowing tides, I put my hope in the Lord.

For I have died and my life now hides, buried in Christ my Saviour.

Set my mind on heavenly things, not the pleasures worldliness brings.

I'm dead to sin, but alive in Christ–alive in Christ my Savior.


11. You're My Lord 

Performed at New City Fellowship during a church service with James Ward on Synth & Steve Hamand on Bass. Mixed by Derek Blakney as a mono signal onto cassette, so this is not a stereo recording..


I desire to do Your will, my God, to walk within Your righteous path.

I'm made holy by my Jesus' blood and rescued from the sinner's wrath.

From everlasting to everlasting, You're my King; You're my Lord!

In Jesus Christ is all my life, all my hope; You're my Lord!


No other friend has been so kind--forgiving me with utmost patience.

  When I turn to You, I find renewed assurance in Your faithfulness.

You guide me daily by Your Word; Your Holy Spirit holds me true.

In silence, You my heart have stirred when I did not know what to do.



12. I Love You          

Composed and recorded in 1987. The first line was inspired by watching street mimes in Paris during a mission trip the previous summer. Recorded at my parents’ house in Birmingham, AL on a borrowed 4-track tape recorder. The electric guitar was loaned by Robert Welch, and the bass guitar was loaned by James Brown. I can’t remember if I got help from my brother Ben to lay the bass track or not.


Across the measured span of time, The painted faces try to mime

The human soul unfurled--Three words and yet the world.

To the anguish of the dying soul,Unquiet, yearns to be made whole,

Awakened all night long,The trio sings its song: "I love you!"

I fumble as I try to sing Of the love that Christ can bring

To bind our hearts together.


Indifference clad the bare sand sea,Yet there, God suffered Calvary

Our sin-sick souls to save; He loved so much, He gave.

Unto the ones He calls, "Mankind, Seek Me and you shall find

The Gift I have to give.  Believe, and you shall live! I love you!"

His love can take away Death's sting, our troubled hearts take wing;

His Spirit sets us free!


The love that God has given you Blossoms as true love will do

It reaches out to me And sets my spirit free.

It takes some time for love to grow; And as we live, we'll try to show

Divine Love as we pray. Together we can say, "I love you!"


13. Same Sweet Song           

Pat Terry was one of the first contemporary Christian artists I was ever exposed to, and his first Easter album is what got me playing the guitar–I learned every song on that record! Here’s one of the songs from that album, recorded direct to stereo cassette tape at Belz Hall, Covenant College, Lookout Mtn.


I’ve heard a lot of good stories in all my life from Shakespeare to Mother Goose, but all the ones I had ever heard never set me loose

untill I read about Jesus who lived and died so that I could be set free. Now I can’t get enough of that good, good gospel; won’t you sing it again to me:


It’s the same sweet song over and over, but I like to hear it over and over again!


I could sit in a tent from sunup to sundown and listen to the preacher talk. Hear the words of Jesus; trace the steps He walked.

I could read it from the Bible a thousand times and never lose a thrill. ‘Cause I loved it from the day I was born again, and I guess I always will!


From California to the coast of Maine, a lot of people have heard these stories and never been the same…


14. You are my God 

Recorded on a 4-track tape recorder in 1992. The keyboard sound was developed by David Bryant Bird - a sample of me plucking a guitar string with additional effects.


You are my God & I will praise You.

You are my God & I will glorify Your Name

You are my God, and I will serve no other.

Father in heaven, You are my King!


15. Jesus, I Long to See You

Jesus, I long to see You, I’m weary from running so far.

Help me obey You and look for the day

when I’ll know You and be as You are.


16. Je Pense (Instrumental)

This was the first instrumental I ever composed on the guitar c. 1985. This recording was made in my college dorm room in 1988 after I had gotten a chorus and delay pedal.


Teaching & admonishing one another with Psalms, Hymns &Spirit­ual songs, singing & making melody in your hearts to God ~Col.3:16b


Again, the mp3 album is much better quality than the linked demo clips although still not professional quality. If you would like a copy of this album as mp3’s, click here for the zip file. Also check out my other albums at www.NateWilsonFamily.Net/#Music ~Nate