From: hub@XC.Org
Subject: Majordomo file: conference 'brigada' file 'liturgy'
The following liturgy was put together by Deb Sanders at Caleb Project. If liturgy is a part of your background, check it out for you own worship service!


Prayers of the People

September 28

(Scriptures of the week:

Psalm 19 *or* 19:7-14;

Numbers 11:4-6,10-16,24-29; James 4:7-12(13--5:6);

Mark 9:38-43,45,47-48)


Congregation responds by saying,

== For great is your Name, O Lord. ==

Lord, we long for the day when your glory will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. Use us, your people, in the weeks to come, to proclaim your glory among the nations through our prayers.

==For great is your Name, O Lord.==

Father, your words are more precious than gold, than much pure gold. We pray today for the work of Bible translators and literacy workers who are giving their lives so that all peoples can hear and read your word in their own language. Grant them wisdom as they translate the Word, perseverance to struggle through the process, and favor with the local and national governments.

==For great is your Name, O Lord.==

Jesus, we pray specifically this week for the work you are doing in Southeast Asia. Help us to be faithful to pray as you lead us this week for the Malay, Sundanese, Buginese and Khmer (pronounced Ka-mare) peoples. Draw many Muslims and Buddhists to yourself this month as your church around the world intercedes for these peoples. Use your word, both printed and broadcast by radio, to touch the hearts of Asians who are searching for truth.

==For great is your Name, O Lord.==

We pray also this week for the Southeast Asians affected by war and famine. Use your church in South Korea to extend mercy, forgiveness and sustenance to the starving people of North Korea. May your church worldwide, and especially the American church, be ministers of reconciliation among the peoples of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Help us to introduce this region to the true Prince of Peace, we pray.

==For great is your Name, O Lord.==

And we pray for Dana Read, our missionary. Give her great joy in serving you day by day. Use your word to strengthen her and give her friends to encourage her. May she know your love and tender care to sustain her physically, emotionally and spiritually.

==For great is your Name, O Lord.==


October 5

Psalm 8

Genesis 2:18-24

Hebrews 2:9-18

Mark 10:2-9

Congregation responds by saying:

==Lord, hear our prayer.==

O Lord, we join with the psalmist in proclaiming: How majestic is your name in all the earth!

Your word tells us that from the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise.

We pray for the children of the 10/40 Window this week, especially the children of Asia:. Do a mighty work, Lord, among Hindu and Buddhist children and young people. Grant boldness to your church and its missionaries working with Asia's youth.

==Lord, hear our prayer==

We pray for ministries working with prostitutes and drug addicts in Asia's teeming cities. Bless medical ministries working among the millions of homeless, AIDS patients, and the sick and dying in this part of the world.

==Lord, hear our prayer==

The writer to the Hebrews reminds us, O Lord, that Jesus came to free those who all their lives have been held in slavery by their fear of death. We pray that by the power of your Holy Spirit and the ministry of your servants, you will free the captives in Thailand, Tibet, Nepal and India. Free them from bondage to worshipping their ancestors, idols and evil spirits. Bring them from the kingdom of darkness into your marvelous kingdom of light.

==Lord, hear our prayer==

We pray also for our missionary, Dana Read, and the work she is doing to help the Indian church reach the hundreds of unreached people groups in South Asia. Grant Dana a strong body, restful sleep, a cheerful heart and a spirit that loves and trusts you. Help us to be an encouragement to her by our love and prayers this month.

==Lord, hear our prayer==

Thank you, Lord, for what you are doing around the world and here in Highlands Ranch. Use our prayers and our lives to make a difference for your Name's sake this week.

==Lord, hear our prayer==


October 12

Psalm 90:1-8,12

Amos 5:6-15

Hebrews 3:1-6

Mark 10:17-27

Prayer leader says:

*We ask in faith ...*

Congregation responds by saying:

= Because You alone are God =

Everlasting God, we come to you this morning humbled with awe at your greatness. You are the creator and sustainer of all life on earth. We join with the psalmist in asking that you will teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain hearts of wisdom. May you always be our dwelling place, O Lord.

*We ask in faith...*

= Because You alone are God =

Lord, this week as we pray for the peoples of South Asia, we ask you to increase our faith. The needs are so great in places like India, Afghanistan and Iran that we hardly know where to begin to pray. Give us a glimpse this week of your Father's heart toward the needy people in this part of the world. Thank you for the reminder that all things are possible with you.

*We ask in faith*

= Because You alone are God =

Lord, again this week we pray for war-torn nations. We ask for your mercy on the people of Afghanistan. We pray for your protection for women who are suffering severe oppression from the Taliban government. Give grace and courage to the few Afghan believers who are worshipping you in secret. Make a way for the gospel, somehow, in Afghanistan, O Lord. Use this time of war and turmoil to cause many to seek You.

*We ask in faith*

= Because You alone are God =

Father in heaven, we remember Dana Read as we pray about Afghanistan. Lord, you know her heart's desire to minister to the orphaned children in that land. We pray that you'd continue to show Dana your path for her, confirm your will and give her patience to wait for your timing. Strengthen her for your service, Father.

*We ask in faith*

= Because you alone are God =



October 19

Psalm 91

Isaiah 53:4-12

Hebrews 4:12-16

Mark 10: 35-45

Prayer leader says:

Lord, for the sake of your Name,

Congregation responds:

== Hear our prayer ==

Most High God, we praise you for your shepherd's love for your people. Thank you that when each of us, like sheep, turned to our own way, you did not forsake us. Thank you for sending Jesus to be our redemption; that you laid on him the iniquity of us all. Thank you that his suffering and death weren't only for us, but for the sins of the whole world. Grant us faith and grace to proclaim his redemption to all peoples, we pray.

Lord, for the sake of your Name,

== Hear our prayer ==

This week we pray for the peoples of Central Asia and North Africa. Lord, it's hard to relate to peoples who are so very different from us. Yet, like us, they face problems in their families, health, jobs and governments. We pray for peoples in Central Asia who are seeking their personal and national identities after the fall of communism. Thank you for the incredible work of your spirit across this region as many nominal Muslims are turning to Jesus. Use your Word to build your church in Central Asia.

Lord, for the sake of your Name,

==Hear our prayer==

We pray also for the Muslims of the Middle East and North Africa, Lord. These are people who think that God expects them to live up to rules like praying five times a day and fasting one month a year. Lord, we long for the day when these peoples would understand the wonder of your grace. We come to you, our great High Priest, and intercede for the sheep for whom you died.

Lord, for the sake of your Name,

== Hear our prayer ==

And we pray for Dana Read this week. Be her shepherd this week, Lord. Guide her, give her times of rest and refreshment and feed her in your Word. We pray also that she'd know you as her great High Priest. Help her to approach your throne of grace with confidence, and there to receive mercy and find grace to help her in every time of need. Thank you for your grace and love for Dana. Use us as messengers of that love, we pray.

Lord, for the sake of your Name,

== Hear our prayer ==

October 26

Psalm 13

Isaiah 59:9-19

Hebrews 5:12- 6:12

Mark 10:46-52

Prayer leader:

Lord, in your mercy,

Congregation responds:

== Hear our prayer ==

Jesus, Son of David, we praise you for your mercy toward those who are sick and in need. What a great God you are, to hear and answer when we call on you. May we never be afraid to cry out for your mercy in our times of need.

Lord, in your mercy,

== Hear our prayer ==

This week, Lord, we want to call out to you on behalf of the peoples of Central Africa. Jesus, these are people who desperately need you. Lord, open their eyes, as you opened the eyes of blind Bartimaeus, that they may turn in faith to you. We pray for the work of mission and relief agencies in Africa -- may they bring physical as well as spiritual food and water to these dry places.

Lord, in your mercy,

== Hear our prayer ==

We pray also for your persecuted church in Africa, Lord. Our hearts cry out with them to you, O Lord. May they never feel that you have deserted them. Help them to trust in your unfailing love in the midst of circumstances we can't even imagine. Use your church worldwide to strengthen these dear brothers and sisters through our prayers. May your word and your Spirit sustain them, we pray.

Lord, in your mercy,

== Hear our prayer ==

Jesus, we pray also for Jews worldwide. Praise you for the movement of your spirit among Jewish communities in the U.S., England and Latin America. We pray for their outreach to Jews in Europe and the Middle East. Do a new work among the children of Abraham, Lord Christ. Remove the veil from their eyes that they may see you as the promised Messiah.

Lord, in your mercy,

== Hear our prayer ==

We pray for Dana Read. Thank you for her example to us. Thank you for allowing us to participate in your work around the world through Dana's life and ministry. And we thank you for the ways you have used our prayers this month to make a difference for the sake of your kingdom. Show us individually and as a church how to love you as we love the world for which you died.

Lord, in your mercy,

== Hear our prayer ==